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Version: 6.x (Latest)

Initialize a Project

Choose a Project

You can either deploy one of your own projects or alternatively, checkout one of our demo applications using git:

git clone
cd devspace-quickstart-nodejs

Initialize Your Project

Run this command in your project directory to create a devspace.yaml config file for your project:

devspace init

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info Detecting programming language...

DevSpace's initialization wizard will walk you through the setup of the project

? Select the programming language of this project  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
c# (dotnet)
> go

Choose the language of your quickstart project. This will determine the correct devImage.

? How do you want to deploy this project?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> helm

Now, you can pick your preferred way to deploy the project. For now, choose helm, you can always mix and match later.

? Is this a DevSpace Quickstart project?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Yes

DevSpace can detect when you're using a quickstart project.

? Do you want to develop this project with DevSpace or just deploy it?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> I want to develop this project and my current working dir contains the source code
I just want to deploy this project

When initializing DevSpace, you can ask it to monitor the source code for changes, or to only set up what's needed for deploying your application.
Since we want to see how DevSpace handles the entire development cycle, choose the first option here.

? How should DevSpace build the container image for this project?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Use this existing Dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
Use a different Dockerfile (e.g. ./backend/Dockerfile)
Use alternative build tool (e.g. jib, bazel)
Skip / I don't know

DevSpace expects to receive instructions, how to containerize the source code. For the quickstart projects, a Dockerfile is provided in the root folder.

? If you were to push any images, which container registry would you want to push to?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Skip Registry
Use GitHub image registry
Use other registry

For local development and quick feedback cycles, we recommend to skip pushing images to any registry.

done Project successfully initialized
info Configuration saved in devspace.yaml - you can make adjustments as needed

You can now run:
1. devspace use namespace - to pick which Kubernetes namespace to work in
2. devspace dev - to start developing your project in Kubernetes

Run `devspace -h` or `devspace [command] -h` to see a list of available commands and flags

Congratulations! You have succesfully initialized your first DevSpace project! 🎉

After running devspace init, you will see 3 changes in your project:

  1. New file devspace.yaml (tells DevSpace how this project should be build, deployed, and developed)
  2. New file (is used to show information to the user when the terminal for the dev container opens)
  3. Added .devspace/ folder to .gitignore (the .devspace/ folder is used by DevSpace to store some information locally when you are working with this project, e.g. caching to speed up things)

The devspace.yaml should look similar to this one:

version: v2beta1
name: devspace-quickstart-golang

# This is a list of `pipelines` that DevSpace can execute (you can define your own)
# This is the pipeline for the main command: `devspace dev` (or `devspace run-pipeline dev`)
run: |-
run_dependencies --all # 1. Deploy any projects this project needs (see "dependencies")
create_deployments --all # 2. Deploy Helm charts and manifests specfied as "deployments"
start_dev app # 3. Start dev mode "app" (see "dev" section)
# You can run this pipeline via `devspace deploy` (or `devspace run-pipeline deploy`)
run: |-
run_dependencies --all # 1. Deploy any projects this project needs (see "dependencies")
build_images --all -t $(git describe --always) # 2. Build, tag (git commit hash) and push all images (see "images")
create_deployments --all # 3. Deploy Helm charts and manifests specfied as "deployments"

# This is a list of `images` that DevSpace can build for this project
# We recommend to skip image building during development (devspace dev) as much as possible
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile

# This is a list of `deployments` that DevSpace can create for this project
# This deployment uses `helm` but you can also define `kubectl` deployments or kustomizations
# We are deploying this project with the Helm chart you provided
name: component-chart
# Under `values` we can define the values for this Helm chart used during `helm install/upgrade`
# You may also use `valuesFiles` to load values from files, e.g. valuesFiles: ["values.yaml"]
- image: gentele/app
- port: 8080

# This is a list of `dev` containers that are based on the containers created by your deployments
# Search for the container that runs this image
# Replace the container image with this dev-optimized image (allows to skip image building during development)
# Forward the following ports to be able access your application via localhost
- port: "2345"
- port: "8080"
# Open the following URLs once they return an HTTP status code other than 502 or 503
- url: http://localhost:8080
# Open a terminal and use the following command to start it
command: ./
# Sync files between the local filesystem and the development container
- path: ./
# Inject a lightweight SSH server into the container (so your IDE can connect to the remote dev env)
enabled: true
# Make the following commands from my local machine available inside the dev container
- command: devspace
- command: kubectl
- command: helm
- command: git

# Use the `commands` section to define repeatable dev workflows for this project
command: |-
echo 'This is a cross-platform, shared command that can be used to codify any kind of dev task.'
echo 'Anyone using this project can invoke it via "devspace run migrate-db"'

# Define dependencies to other projects with a devspace.yaml
# dependencies:
# api:
# git: https://... # Git-based dependencies
# tag: v1.0.0
# ui:
# path: ./ui # Path-based dependencies (for monorepos)