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Version: 6.x (Latest)

Deploy Helm Charts

To deploy Helm charts, you need to configure them within the deployments section of the devspace.yaml.


name: component-chart
- image: reg.tld/username/devspace
- port: 3000
Component Chart Docs

The component chart is a flexible Helm chart for deploying custom applications in a standardized manner. Learn more about configuring component-chart deployments.

Config Reference

helm required

Helm tells DevSpace to deploy this deployment via helm

releaseName required string

ReleaseName of the helm configuration

chart required

Chart holds the chart configuration and where DevSpace can find the chart

Source: Helm Repository
name required string

Name is the name of the helm chart to deploy. Can also be a local path or an oci url

version required string

Version is the version of the helm chart to deploy

repo required string

RepoURL is the url of the repo to deploy the chart from

username required string

Username is the username to authenticate to the chart repo. When using an OCI chart, used for registry auth

password required string

Password is the password to authenticate to the chart repo, When using an OCI chart, used for registry auth

Source: Local Filesystem
path required string

Path is the local path where DevSpace can find the artifact. This option is mutually exclusive with the git option.

Source: Git Repository
git required string

Git is the remote repository to download the artifact from. You can either use https projects or ssh projects here, but need to make sure git can pull the project. This option is mutually exclusive with the path option.

subPath required string

SubPath is a path within the git repository where the artifact lies in

branch required string

Branch is the git branch to pull

tag required string

Tag is the tag to pull

revision required string

Revision is the git revision to pull

cloneArgs required string[]

CloneArgs are additional arguments that should be supplied to the git CLI

disableShallow required boolean false

DisableShallow can be used to turn off shallow clones as these are the default used by devspace

disablePull required boolean false

DisablePull will disable pulling every time DevSpace is reevaluating this source

values required object

Values are additional values that should get passed to deploying this chart

valuesFiles required string[]

ValuesFiles are additional files that hold values for deploying this chart

displayOutput required boolean false

DisplayOutput allows you to display the helm output to the console

upgradeArgs required string[]

UpgradeArgs are additional arguments to pass to helm upgrade

templateArgs required string[]

TemplateArgs are additional arguments to pass to helm template

disableDependencyUpdate required boolean false

DisableDependencyUpdate disables helm dependencies update, default to false