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Version: 6.x (Latest)

Deploy with kubectl

DevSpace supports two types of deployments aside from Helm charts:

Config Reference

kubectl required

Kubectl tells DevSpace to deploy this deployment via kubectl or kustomize

manifests required string[]

Manifests is a list of files or folders that will be deployed by DevSpace using kubectl or kustomize

applyArgs required string[]

ApplyArgs are extra arguments for kubectl apply

createArgs required string[]

CreateArgs are extra arguments for kubectl create which will be run before kubectl apply

kubectlBinaryPath required string

KubectlBinaryPath is the optional path where to find the kubectl binary

inlineManifest required string

InlineManifests is a block containing the manifest to deploy


kustomize required boolean false

Kustomize can be used to enable kustomize instead of kubectl

kustomizeArgs required string[]

KustomizeArgs are extra arguments for kustomize build which will be run before kubectl apply

kustomizeBinaryPath required string

KustomizeBinaryPath is the optional path where to find the kustomize binary

patches required object[]

Patches are additional changes to the pod spec that should be applied

target required

Target describes where to apply a config patch

apiVersion required string

ApiVersion is the Kubernetes api of the target resource

kind required string

Kind is the kind of the target resource (eg: Deployment, Service ...)

name required string

Name is the name of the target resource

op required string

Operation is the path operation to do. Can be either replace, add or remove

path required string

Path is the config path to apply the patch to

value required

Value is the value to use for this patch.