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Version: 6.x (Latest)

Deploy Local Charts

DevSpace can deploy Helm charts located on the same filesystem as the devspace.yaml file.

Local Charts vs Dependencies

If you have multiple services located in the same git repository (monorepo), you may be tempted to have a single devspace.yaml at the root of the git repository and then specify one deployment for each service using a local path to each service's chart folder, for example. However, ideally you want to encapsule the build, deployment and development logic for each service inside a separate devspace.yaml that is located very closely to the actual code.

Instead of creating one giant devspace.yaml at the root of a monorepo, it's recommended to create separate devspace.yaml files in each sub-project contained in the monorepo because this has several benefits:

  1. It keeps the devspace.yaml for each microservice small and bundled with the actual microservice itself.
  2. It allows you work on microservices independenctly (start a devspace dev session for each service if needed)
  3. It only pulls in and deploys other microservices if they are actually needed.

Dependencies: DevSpace provides a feature called dependencies which allows you to define relationships between devspace.yaml files to allow users to start working on a service while DevSpace stands up and maintains dependent microservices if needed.

Chart Sources

To deploy a local Helm chart, you need to tell DevSpace where to locate the chart.

From Folder

A common structure is to have a folder in your git repository which contains the Helm chart for this service. In this case, use the path field to specify the path to the Helm chart folder relative to the devspace.yaml file.

version: v2beta1
path: ./payments/chart/
key: value
- ./payments/helm-values-dev.yaml

From Tar Archive

In case you want to deploy a Helm chart that has been archived to a tar file (or a compressed .tar.gz for example), you can use the path field to specify the path to the archive file relative to the devspace.yaml file.

version: v2beta1
path: ./payments/chart.tar.gz
key: value
- ./payments/helm-values-dev.yaml