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Version: 6.x (Latest)

Custom Build Scripts

Using custom as build tool allows you to define a custom command for building images. This is particularly useful if you want to use a remote build system such as Google Cloud Build.

Example: Building Images With custom Build Command

image: john/appbackend
- dev-latest
command: |-
# This bash-like script works on all platforms including Windows
docker build -t ${runtime.images.backend.image}:${runtime.images.backend.tag} . -f custom/Dockerfile

The image backend would be built using the following command:

docker build -t john/appbackend:dev-latest . -f custom/Dockerfile"

Make sure your custom build command terminates with exit code 0 when the build process was successful.

Rebuild Cache

The onChange option expects an array of strings which represent paths to files or folders that should be watched for changes. DevSpace uses these paths, and the hash values it stores about these paths, to evaluate if an image should be rebuilt, or if the image building can be skipped because the context of the image has not changed.

Example: OnChange Option For custom Build Command

image: john/appbackend
command: ./build
imageFlag: "--image"
- some/path/
- another/path/file.txt

The image backend is built using the command ./build --image "[IMAGE]:[TAG]", and DevSpace skips the build if none of the files within some/path/, nor the file another/path/file.txt, has changed since the last build.

Config Reference

custom required

Custom if custom is specified, DevSpace will build the image with the help of a custom script.

command required string

Command to execute to build the image. You can use ${} and ${} to reference the image and tag that should get built.

onChange required string[]

OnChange will determine when the command should be rerun