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Version: 5.x

Pull Secrets

DevSpace allows you to configure additional pull secrets that should be created in the target namespace. For each configured pull secret in the devspace.yaml, DevSpace will create a secret in the target namespace and add the secret to the imagePullSecrets field of the service account.

For images, DevSpace will also automatically create a pull secret, if authentication data can be found in the local docker store and creation is enabled via createPullSecret.

Image Pull Secrets are defined in the pullSecrets section of the devspace.yaml.

# If you don't want to specify the password and username directly in the config
# you can use variables, .env file or save the credentials in the local docker store
- registry:
username: ${REGISTRY_USER}



The registry option is mandatory and expects a string with the registry name for which a pull secret should be created for.


The disabled option is optional and expects a bool if the pull secret should get created for the specified registry.


The username option is optional and expects a string with the username to login into the registry. If this field is empty, DevSpace will try to find out username and password from the local docker store.


The password option is optional and expects a string with the password to login into the registry. If this field is empty, DevSpace will try to find out username and password from the local docker store.


The email option is optional and expects a string with the email to login into the registry. This can be left empty usually since username and password are enough to log into a docker registry. If empty, the default value will be


The secret option is optional and expects a string how the secret should be named. If empty, DevSpace will automatically create a meaningful name for the secret.


The serviceAccounts option is optional and expects an array of strings to which the pull secret should be added. If an image pull secret is added to a service account, the service account is able to pull images from that registry even without specifying the image pull secret in a pod definition. If this is empty, DevSpace will add the pull secret to the default serviceaccount.