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Deployment with DevSpace

DevSpace CLI - Deployment

Deploy Project

Run the local deployment pipeline using this command:

devspace deploy

Running devspace deploy will do the following:

  1. Build the Dockerfile(s) specified in the images section of the devspace.yaml
  2. Tag the resulting image(s) with an auto-generated tag according to a customizable tag schema
  3. Push the resulting Docker images to the specified registries
  4. Create image pull secrets in your Kubernetes namespace (optional, enabled by default)
  5. Deploy everything that is defined within the deployments section in the devspace.yaml
Deployment Workflow
DevSpace CLI - Deployment Workflow
Image Building Only

If you only want to build, tag and push all images but not deploy anything, run:

devspace build

Deploy to Production

As shown earlier, DevSpace is by default configured to override your ENTRYPOINT to restart your application after files are synchronized into the container. However, in production, we don't want DevSpace to change anything about our Docker image. That's why you see the following section in your devspace.yaml:

- name: production # Name of this profile: production
patches: # Patches to change the config for this profile
- op: remove # A patch to remove the injectResartHelper option
- op: remove # Second patch ONLY for multi-stage builds
path: # Remote the build target to build entire Dockerfile

Profiles allow you to modify the config for certain use cases or deployment environment (e.g. your production cluster). You can print the config after applying all patches of this profile using this command:

devspace print -p production

The flag -p / --profile is a global flag, so we can also use it to apply this profile during the deployment process:

devspace deploy -p production

Learn more about integrating DevSpace into your CI/CD pipelines.