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Version: 4.x

Command - devspace dev

Starts the development mode


devspace dev [flags]
################### devspace dev ######################
Starts your project in development mode:
1. Builds your Docker images and override entrypoints if specified
2. Deploys the deployments via helm or kubectl
3. Forwards container ports to the local computer
4. Starts the sync client
5. Streams the logs of deployed containers

Open terminal instead of logs:
- Use "devspace dev -t" for opening a terminal
- Use "devspace dev -i" for opening a terminal and overriding container entrypoint with sleep command


      --allow-cyclic           When enabled allows cyclic dependencies
--build-sequential Builds the images one after another instead of in parallel
--deployments string Only deploy a specific deployment (You can specify multiple deployments comma-separated
--exit-after-deploy Exits the command after building the images and deploying the project
-b, --force-build Forces to build every image
--force-dependencies Forces to re-evaluate dependencies (use with --force-build --force-deploy to actually force building & deployment of dependencies) (default true)
-d, --force-deploy Forces to deploy every deployment
-h, --help help for dev
-i, --interactive Enable interactive mode for images (overrides entrypoint with sleep command) and start terminal proxy
--open Open defined URLs in the browser, if defined (default true)
--portforwarding Enable port forwarding (default true)
--skip-build Skips building of images
-x, --skip-pipeline Skips build & deployment and only starts sync, portforwarding & terminal
--skip-push Skips image pushing, useful for minikube deployment
--sync Enable code synchronization (default true)
-t, --terminal Open a terminal instead of showing logs
--timeout int Timeout until dev should stop waiting and fail (default 120)
--ui Start the ui server (default true)
--verbose-dependencies Deploys the dependencies verbosely
--verbose-sync When enabled the sync will log every file change
--wait If true will wait first for pods to be running or fails after given timeout

Global & Inherited Flags

      --config string         The devspace config file to use
--debug Prints the stack trace if an error occurs
--kube-context string The kubernetes context to use
-n, --namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use
--no-warn If true does not show any warning when deploying into a different namespace or kube-context than before
-p, --profile string The devspace profile to use (if there is any)
--silent Run in silent mode and prevents any devspace log output except panics & fatals
-s, --switch-context Switches and uses the last kube context and namespace that was used to deploy the DevSpace project
--var strings Variables to override during execution (e.g. --var=MYVAR=MYVALUE)